



The study of law has been recognized for centuries as a basic intellectual discipline in European universities. However, only in recent years has it become a feature of undergraduate programs in Canadian universities.


be recognized as … 被看成是

intellectual adj. 智力的;聪明的;理智的

discipline n. 学科;纪律;训练;惩罚

feature n. 特色,特征;容貌;特写或专题节目

undergraduate program 本科课程


The study of law has been recognized for centuries as a basic intellectual discipline in European universities. However, only in recent years has it become a feature of undergraduate programs in Canadian universities.


①首句较为简单,主干为主谓宾的被动形式 = the study of law/ has been recognized as / a basic intellectual discipline. =有关法律的研究一直被看成是一门基本的知识学科。for centuries 和in European universities 为句子的时间状语和地点状语。

②二句为倒装结构,语法规则为:only+状语位于句首或主语之前时,主句半倒装(has it become a …)。如果对待倒装理解困难时,可将句子的主干和修饰成分进行拆分之后,将半倒装句改写会正常的语序,则整个句子重组为:only in recent years + it has become a feature of undergraduate programs in Canadian universities. = 只是在最近几年+ 它才成为加拿大大学本科课程的一个专题.


例:Only once was John late to class. 这里只是将助动词(be动词)was移到主语John前面,而实意动词late仍在主语后面,所以是部分倒装,即半倒装句。

注意:以否定词开头的句子要“半倒装。如:no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time, in no way, not until等词在句首,句子要倒装。例:Not until yesterday did little John change his mind.直到昨天小约翰才改变了主意。Never have I seen such a performance.

如果否定词不在句首,则句子不倒装。例:I have never seen such a performance.
