
  第二,基础好的考生一般什么时候报考考研班?还有一部分大学基础牢固的同学,经过一段时间之后发现不能适应考研的节奏,整体复习效果不佳,可以选择在5-6月份的时候报班,通常一些机构会聘请专门的学长或学姐来为考生进行一对一的辅导,或者是像高途考研这类机构会邀请经营丰富的老师讲解考研课程,帮助考生快速发现并解决问题,掌握答题相关技巧,在短时间内得到明显的提升。  429.赶紧选个mba在职考研培训,上岸之后的工作前进更好!


Graduate School of East China University of Science and Technology

East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST), formerly known as East China Institute of Chemical Technology, can trace its history back more than 100 years to the founding of Nanyang Public School and Aurora College. It was founded in 1952 by the merger of chemical engineering departments of Jiao Tong University (Shanghai), Orion University (Shanghai), Datong University (Shanghai), Soochow University (Suzhou), Jiangnan University (Wuxi) and other universities. In 1953, the Department of Chemical Engineering of Shandong Institute of Technology and the Department of Inorganic Engineering of South China Institute of Technology were successively transferred into the department. In 1956, it was designated as one of the first national universities to enroll graduate students. Since 1960, it has been designated as a national key university under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. 1973 Department of Biology of Shanghai University of Science and Technology was transferred to Shanghai. In 1981, the university was approved by the State Council as the first batch of units with the right to confer doctor's and master's degrees. In 1985, it was approved as one of the first batch of pilot units to apply for master's degree with postgraduate equivalent education. 1993 East China University of Science and Technology was renamed East China University of Science and Technology with the approval of the State Education Commission. In June 1996, the university was listed in the national "211 Project". In October 1997, Shanghai Municipality participated in the joint construction and management. In 2000, the Ministry of Education approved the establishment of the Graduate School. In 2008, it was approved to build "985 Project Advantage Discipline Innovation Platform". It is one of the first 22 universities to implement the reform of independent enrollment. It is one of the universities selected by "Excellent Engineer Education and Training Plan", "2011 Plan" and "111 Plan". It is one of the first six innovative and comprehensive research-oriented universities with a national technology transfer center. It is one of the national "double first-class" universities. After more than half a century of reform and construction, it has developed into a national key research-oriented university with distinctive characteristics and coordinated development of multiple disciplines.
