



  Text 1

  It is often only when we lose things, or risk losing them, that we realize
how much we value them. As public library budgets have shrunk and doors have
closed, people who had not given libraries much thought have been stirred to
action. High-profile campaigns against closures have been fought, and in some
cases won. Cressida Cowell, the new children’s laureate, is urging that school
libraries be made a legal requirement. But the fate of librarians has largely
escaped notice.

  This is a mistake, because they are the guides and curators without whom a
library, whether standalone or in a school or institution, is simply a
collection of books. At their best they can reshape not only the skills and
knowledge of users, but their whole perspective: “How many times I’ve been told
about a librarian who saved a life by offering the right book at the right
time,” the American author Judy Blume has said.

  Yet 10,000 jobs in council libraries have been lost since 2005. Technology
has displaced some, with the creation of unstaffed branches, and has transformed
the role of others; computer access is now an important aspect of the service,
and librarians routinely help people with online benefits applications.

  There is no reason why libraries should not offer this kind of support, as
long as staff have sufficient resources and training. The baby and book groups,
homework and play clubs hosted by libraries are a positive extension of their
role. But such activities must not come at the expense of the librarian’s task
of championing books and literacy, which is even more important in an age of
information overload and fake news.

  Shrunken budgets inevitably make this service harder to deliver: when
libraries no longer have budgets to buy new publications, which may in part
explain a recent fall in lending. Such cuts affect all sorts of people, but are
particularly damaging when children cannot find books to suit them. This year
marks the 20th anniversary of the Summer Reading Challenge, a scheme offering
incentives to children who sign up to read a book a week during the holidays;
especially valuable to those who don’t go away or have shelves full of books at
home. It is also a reminder of the kind of one-on-one engagement that has become
a rarity. The ideal librarian is a skilled maker of recommendations.

  Librarians can be much more than book experts. Libraries are community as
well as knowledge hubs, and should promote and harness civic activism. Any
government with a serious commitment to expanding educational opportunities for
young and old would invest, not only in libraries, but in the people who work in

  21. In Paragraph 1, the author shows his concern about ______.

  [A] the neglect of librarians’ fate

  [B] the shrinkage of library budget

  [C] the huge decline of book reading

  [D] the chaos stirred by campaigns

  22. Judy Blume most probably agrees that .

  [A] librarians often make mistakes

  [B] libraries always save people’s lives

  [C] librarians help readers remodel their viewpoints

  [D] libraries need more guides and curators than before

  23. One of the reasons for the reduction of librarian jobs is that .

  [A] technology creates unstaffed branches

  [B] council libraries have financial crisis

  [C] librarians are not satisfied with their jobs

  [D] there is a slowdown in American economy

  24. The Summer Reading Challenge aims to ______.

  [A] help adults to find suitable books

  [B] recruit more professional librarians

  [C] encourage children to read books

  [D] raise money to buy new publications

  25. The most suitable title for this text would be _______.

  [A] Library: Replacement of School Education

  [B] Library: Symbol of the American Economy

  [C] Librarians: Guide to Life, Not Just to Books

  [D] Librarians: Leader of National Education


  【解析】本题为细节题。根据题干关键词Paragraph 1定位至原文首段。首段末尾有But转折词出现,一般其后的内容为本文作者观点,即:the
fate of librarians has largely escaped notice(图书管理员的命运在很大程度上被忽略了)是作者强调的内容。A项the
neglect of librarians’ fate(对图书管理员命运的忽视)符合原文内容。故正确答案为A。

  【干扰项】B项the shrinkage of library budget(图书馆预算的缩减)出自②句,但只是对现状的描述。C项the huge
decline of book reading(图书阅读量的大幅下降)属于无中生有,原文并未提及。D项the chaos stirred by


  【解析】 本题为细节题。根据题干关键词Judy Blume可定位至原文第二段。②句they can reshape not only the
skills and knowledge of users, but their whole
perspective(他们不仅可以重塑用户的技能和知识,还可以重塑他们的视角)即为Judy Blume赞同的观点。C项librarians help
readers remodel their viewpoints(图书管理员帮助读者重塑他们的观点)符合原文观点。故正确答案为C。

  【干扰项】A项librarians often make mistakes(图书管理员经常犯错误)属于无中生有,原文未提及。B项libraries
always save people’s lives(图书馆总是能拯救生命)属于偷换概念,原文②句a librarian who saved a life by
offering the right book at the right
time(图书管理员通过在合适的时间提供合适的书来拯救生命)的主语是图书管理员而不是图书馆。D项libraries need more guides and
curators than before(图书馆比以前需要更多的向导和管理者)属于断章取义,①句提到了they are the guides and


jobs可定位至原文第三段①句。该句位于段首,是总述,后面为分述,即分述部分为图书管理员工作岗位减少的原因。②句Technology has displaced
some, with the creation of unstaffed

  【干扰项】B项council libraries have financial
crisis(理事会图书馆有财务危机)属于无中生有,文中只提到理事会图书馆,并未提到其财务状况。C项librarians are not satisfied
with their jobs(图书管理员对他们自己的工作不满意)属于无中生有。D项there is a slowdown in American
economy(美国经济增长缓慢)属于对首段②句public library budgets have shrunk的过度推断。


  【解析】本题为细节题。根据题干关键词Summer Reading Challenge可定位至原文第五段。③句the Summer Reading
Challenge, a scheme offering incentives to children who sign up to read a book a
week during the
holidays(夏季阅读挑战计划为在假期报名每周读一本书的儿童提供奖励)指出该计划的目的是为了鼓励孩子们在假期读书。C项encourage children
to read books(鼓励孩子们读书)符合原文内容。故正确答案为C。

  【干扰项】A项help adults to find suitable
books(帮助成人找到合适的书籍)属于信息错误,本段③句明确指出夏季阅读挑战针对的人群是儿童。B项recruit more professional
librarians(招募更多专业的图书管理员)属于无中生有,原文未提及。D项raise money to buy new
publications(筹集资金买新的出版物)关键词new publications来自本段①句libraries no longer have
budgets to buy new publications(图书馆不再有预算购买新出版物),但原文并未提及这与夏季阅读挑战计划之间的关系。


  【解析】本题为主旨大意题。本文第二段②句they can reshape not only the skills and knowledge of
users, but their whole
perspective表明作者的观点:图书管理员可以重塑用户的技能和知识,还可以重塑他们的视角。第六段Librarians can be much more
than book experts(图书管理员不仅仅是图书专家)再次强调观点:图书管理员不仅是图书专家还能在精神和心灵上帮到读者。C项Librarians:
Guide to Life, Not Just to Books(图书管理员不仅仅是书籍的向导,更是精神的向导)符合作者观点。故正确答案为C。

  【干扰项】A项Library: Replacement of School
Education(图书馆是学校教育的替代)观点太绝对,且本文未提及,属于无中生有。B项Library: Symbol of the American
Economy(图书馆是美国经济的标志)属于断章取义,文中提到了图书馆和财政预算,但是并未阐释二者的关系。D项Librarians: Leader of
National Education(图书管理员是国家教育的领导者)属于无中生有。









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