



  Text 3

  Impending automation conjures up images of empty factory floors where men
have been replaced by robots. But don’t forget the increasingly digital back
office. Where will female data-entry clerks and book-keepers go? The same thing
is happening in the retail sector where automation and online shopping threatens
the jobs of so many female shop assistants.

  New McKinsey Global Institute research finds that 20 per cent of employed
women and 21 per cent of men in six mature and four emerging economies could be
displaced by 2030. At the same time, 20 per cent of women and 19 per cent of men
could gain employment as technology drives productivity gains and income growth
that leads to rising demand.

  There will be huge disruption. As many as one in four women and men around
the world may need to move to new jobs. But the women running the race to adapt
to doing so with a weight tied around their ankles—the longstanding barriers
they face in work. There are three prerequisites for adapting: skills the labour
market wants; the mobility to change occupations if necessary; and the ability
to work with automated systems. Women are not well placed here. These are
difficult issues—and many women in emerging economies have it even harder
because so many work in subsistence agriculture with little education and few
transferable skills.

  For this, girls should be encouraged to study Stem subjects and develop
coding skills. Not everyone needs to be a programmer, but good jobs will
increasingly mean working with technology. Workers will need basic tech skills.
Companies should invest more in training that is easily accessible, especially
to women who may be less able to travel to courses. More companies should
provide flexible work options for women juggling work and family. Investment in
online learning could also help to overcome women’s mobility constraints. And
more work needs to be done to combat long-standing stereotyping about male and
female occupations that could make transitions more difficult.

  Effective action on helping women survive the age of automation could put
them on a path to more-productive, higher-paid work. Failure to act could leave
women stuck in low-wage, low-skill jobs that will be less in demand. This could
push many women out of the labour market in countries with high-cost childcare.
Progress toward gender equality, already slow, could stall or even reverse.
Companies would be less diverse and, according to McKinsey research, therefore
less profitable.

  31. According to Paragraph 1, the author stresses that female workers .

  [A] don’t have a clear career planning

  [B] ignore the increasingly digital back office

  [C] are faced with severe threats of automation

  [D] are not qualified for the job of data entry

  32. The new McKinsey Global research shows that .

  [A] automation can lead to rising demand and income

  [B] mature economies are more vulnerable to automation

  [C] the impact of automation on men and women is roughly similar

  [D] the employment rate in 2030 will be lower than that in present

  33. Women are long troubled in adapting to moving to new jobs for .

  [A] being placed in inappropriate positions

  [B] lack of necessary occupational mobility

  [C] challenges from lots of male candidates

  [D] being interested in agricultural production

  34. Which of the following is true about Paragraph 4?

  [A] Tech skills are essential for people working in automated times.

  [B] Girls should be as proficient as programmers in coding skills.

  [C] Women have more flexible work options than male workers.

  [D] Female workers should be trained to deal with online jobs.

  35. Failing to effectively help women adapt to the automation age may cause

  [A] extremely high costs of childcare

  [B] a declining demand for work force

  [C] lessened revenues for companies

  [D] a falling number of female workers


  【解析】本题为细节题。根据题干关键词Paragraph 1和female
workers可定位至原文第一段③句。③④句则主要介绍自动化对各行各业的女性职员带来的威胁。C项are faced with severe threats of
automation(面临自动化带来的严峻挑战)是对Where will female data-entry clerks and book-keepers
go和automation and online shopping threatens…的总结概括。故正确答案为C。

  【干扰项】A项don’t have a clear career planning(没有清晰的职业规划)是对③句Where will female
data-entry clerks and book-keepers
go的错误解读,女性数据录入员和簿记员是受到自动化发展这一客观因素影响,而不是主观因素使然。B项ignore the increasingly digital
back office(忽视了日益数字化的后台办公室)来自该段②句,但属于偷换概念,这里是作者呼吁大家不要忽视这一情况。D项are not qualified
for the job of data


  【解析】本题为细节题。根据题干关键词new McKinsey Global
impact of automation on men and women is roughly

  【干扰项】A项automation can lead to rising demand and
income(自动化会导致需求和收入的增长)偷换概念,原文②句说的是收入增长导致需求增长,rising income则是无中生有。B项mature
economies are more vulnerable to automation(成熟经济体更容易受到自动化的影响)关键词mature
economies来自①句,但研究发现并未表明这一点。D项the employment rate in 2030 will be lower than that
in present(2030年的就业率将低于现在的就业率)属于过度推断,原文只是提到了2030年自动化对男女工人就业的影响。


  【解析】本题为细节题。根据题干可定位至原文第三段③句,题干中Women are long troubled与句中longstanding
barriers they face对应,adapting to moving to new jobs与adapt to doing
so对应。该句提出论点:女性在适应转换新工作的过程中长期面临着巨大困难。下文④⑤⑥句为论据,其中④句指出了适应这种变化需要的三个先决条件。B项lack of
necessary occupational mobility(缺乏必要的职业流动性)是对④句中the mobility to change
occupations if necessary的同义转换。故正确答案为B。

  【干扰项】A项being placed in inappropriate positions(被安排在不合适的工作岗位)是对该段⑤句Women are
not well placed here的错误解读,原文的意思是:女性在这些方面都不具优势。C项challenges from lots of male
candidates(来自许多男性求职者的挑战)属于无中生有,原文并未提及相关信息。D项being interested in agricultural
production(对农业生产感兴趣)来自该段⑥句so many work in subsistence


  【解析】本题为细节题。根据题干关键词Paragraph 4可定位至原文第四段。该段主要介绍了帮助女性适应工作转换的几大建议。A项Tech skills
are essential for people working in automated
times(对于在自动化时代工作的人来说技术技能是必不可少的)是对该段②句good jobs will increasingly mean working
with technology和③句Workers will need basic tech skills的总结概括。故正确答案为A。

  【干扰项】B项Girls should be as proficient as programmers in coding
skills(女孩应该像程序员一样精通编程技术)为错误信息,该段②句指出Not everyone needs to be a
programmer(不是每个人都需要成为程序员)。C项Women have more flexible work options than male
workers(女性比男性有更灵活的工作选择)关键词flexible work options来自该段⑤句provide flexible work
options,但结合下文⑥句中的women’s mobility constraints可推测出女性在工作选择方面是有更多限制的。D项Female
workers should be trained to deal with online


  【解析】本题为细节题。根据题干关键词Failing to effectively
help可定位至原文第五段②句。该句和下文③④⑤句主要介绍了如果不采取有效措施的话会对女性工人带来的一些影响。D项a falling number of
female workers(女性工人数量减少)是对②句leave women stuck in low-wage, low-skill jobs that
will be less in demand和③句push many women out of the labour

  【干扰项】A项extremely high costs of
declining demand for work
force(对劳动力需求下降)信息错误,该段②句说的是社会对低工资、低技能的工作的需求将不断减少。C项lessened revenues for








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